Founder & Creator 

Josmerly Valerio

Hi and welcome to Mommies That Wine. I'm the Founder & Creator of Mommies That Wine, a monthly virtual service that provides a space for mommies across the world to get together and "wine" about motherhood without judgment. As a mother of two beautiful children, I know how much a mommy break is needed, especially when we feel mentally, physically, and emotionally drained.

Mommies That Wine was founded and created from a place of needing a space where I could connect with other mommies who are feeling emotionally overwhelmed, exhausted, sad, lonely, happy, energetic and needs a break to catch their breath. ESPECIALLY during a PANDEMIC and its ongoing challenges.

About  My Career Background 

I have a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work, and currently pursing my Master's of Social Work. I've been working in social and human services for the past 12+ years.

My work expertise includes but not limited to, non-profit organizations, women & youth empowerment, child welfare, family daycare services, parenting training skills, community advocacy & outreach, training, and job readiness facilitation & workforce program management.

While working in child welfare, I observed how  mental health was at times one of the factor's that impacted mothers and the rest of their family. Many times the focus was on the child's well-being, but I would come into their homes with a holistic approach to assess all the other factor that was impacting the family, especially focusing on the primary care giver.  

Mommies That Wine...

Is an additional community for mommies to feel empowered, loved, heard, and acknowledge that they are doing the best they can as a parent. Loving yourself and spending time alone is not something you should feel ashamed or guilty of because you very much DESERVE it. Self-Care is ESSENTIAL, just like how we take our children to the doctor and dentist for a yearly check-up. As parents, we should be able to do the things that make us feel good and happy without ZERO-JUDGEMENT. And MOMMIES THAT WINE provides that space for you!

New York Women's Mini 10k Run-2022

In 2022, I had the opportunity to run in the NY Women's Mini 10K run in Central Park. In 2019, I did the same run, however, this time around when I ran I did it with purpose and intention. For me running and participating in this run meant so much more for me. Why? Well because I ran for all the mommies in the world. I ran for mommies who carry a lot to ensure their children are well. I ran for mommies who work and for stay-at-home moms. I ran for mommies who have had miscarriages. For moms that had a C-section and for moms that gave natural birth. I ran for the single moms. I ran for moms who have special needs children. I ran for moms who can no longer have children. I ran for moms who have been through a divorce. I ran for moms with PTSD. I ran, I ran, and I ran for my MOMMIES. 

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