"I needed a space to vent, where I am not being judged or feel like I am the only one feeling tired or restless trying to do the best for our kids"
Mommies That Wine Participant 

Mommies That Wine Is Here To Provide Virtual Support

Mommies That Wine is a monthly virtual service that provides an empowering and authentic space for mommies across the world to get together virtually and "wine" about motherhood without judgement. In this space mommies are heard, valued and most importantly EMPOWERED. How many times have you told friends or family members that you need a break and immediately they judge you,?! making you feel guilty for wanting some "me time"? Well, here at Mommies That Wine we shift those feelings, emotions and thoughts.

What do I walk away with after attending Mommies That Wine?

One thing for sure is that when you attend Mommies That Wine, you walk away with a lot. Especially self-empowerment, self-compassion, and self-care. You walk away feeling good about yourself and if not all, most of what's described below is what you will walk away with: 

~Laughter and a sense of self-love and self-appreciation
~Authentic Conversations (Every month is a different topic/theme and we invite ~special guests)
~Emotional Support & Positive Affirmations
~Motherhood Empowerment and Mom-Guilt Shift 
~MOMscato Newsletter (After attending 2 or more virtual events you are featured in our newsletter to share your motherhood story) 
~Raffles & Incentives Swag (Raffles can include a $25 gift card from your favorite shopping store, home décor, clothing, etc.) 
~Shared resources for parenting skills
~You become aware of prioritizing your mental well-being by connecting with other mommies and not feeling alone in motherhood

Mommies love coming to this space because they can be their authentic selves, share any motherhood challenges and receive tremendous emotional support. This is a ZERO-Judgement Space! We embrace the "no mom guilt"

 Reasons why Mommies join